Published: Friday 28 June 2024
We want to open this newsletter by acknowledging the passing of the late Mr D. Mununggurr and extending our condolences to his family and the wider community. He was a respected and proud Djapu leader from Garrthalala Homeland, a pioneer of the Homelands movement, and the last surviving signatory to the Yirrkala Bark Petitions. His legacy will continue to shine bright to guide generations to come.

From the CEO – Paul Dobing
Good afternoon, I would like to begin by acknowledging that this newsletter will be my last as the CEO of DEAL. What an incredible journey it has been over the last three years. I am grateful for the opportunity to live and work here in East Arnhem and for the privilege to have played a part in all that has been achieved in this unique and wonderful region. I note, there have certainly been some challenges, and there is much that is still left to do, but I find comfort in knowing that I gave everything I could in this role and am confident in our great team to carry things forward.
Below, you will find some of our key 2023/24 highlights from the last 12 months. I want to express my heartfelt thank you for welcoming, encouraging, challenging and supporting me during my time here at DEAL.
Nhäma Yalala

Gunyangara (Gove Port) Tourism Precinct
A substantial milestone was reached for the Gunyangara (Gove Port) Tourism Precinct awarding tender to complete the major and final package of works. This is a significant boost to economic development and tourism opportunities, and will provide better tourism facilities for recreational users, charter vessels and other marine operators.
Three local Nhulunbuy businesses including two Aboriginal businesses will work to deliver the new facilities. The marine and landside construction contract includes building:
• new extended rock groyne that vehicles and pedestrians can access
• careening facilities that vessels can dock alongside for maintenance
• floating pontoon extending out from the groyne
• washdown bay
• car park upgrades
• entry structure
The $9.3 million Gunyangara (Gove Port) Tourism Precinct project is jointly funded by the Australian Government through the Aboriginals Benefit Account to the Gumatj Corporation, the Northern Territory Government and Developing East Arnhem Limited. For further information please see recent media release here.
East Arnhem locals have been excited to purchase locally grown fresh produce delivered by an exciting agriculture initiative. DEAL have been thrilled to support this collaborative project, which has generated sales of fresh rocket, cucumber, gem squash, pak choy, salad mix, radish, and basil, with more options to come. Further details on this project will be offered soon.

Medical retrieval
DEAL was pleased to deliver the East Arnhem Medical Retrieval Options and Analysis Paper, presenting to the Northern Territory Government late 2023. The paper is a comprehensive assessment understanding gaps in regional medical retrieval services and provided practical options to address these gaps.
This extensive research and consulting initiative relied heavily on community consultation and input. DEAL would like to thank key organisations and community members for their contributions and thank CareFlight for the opportunity to lead this project. DEAL acknowledges the incredible work of organisations such as CareFlight, government health departments, police and rescue, regional service providers, Indigenous corporations, and ambulance services, who contribute to the safety of all Territorians.
The 3.5-year research and development regional forestry project concluded offering research and development support to landowners. DEAL provided both capital funding and substantial in-kind support to this project, representing Traditional Owners, regional funders, and stakeholders on the forestry project steering committee, advocating for best project outcomes for Traditional Owners.
The ‘Indigenous Commercial Forestry Opportunities: East Arnhem, northern Australia’ research has supported Traditional Owners to better understand their assets, develop new value-added timber products, assessed workforce and business requirements, provided market analysis, provided forestry management techniques, offered Indigenous community capacity building, and more.
DEAL continue to support aquaculture sector development progressing initiatives which may support research and investment to the regional.
Please contact our industry development lead Chris Gillies via should you wish to learn more about these projects.

There has been lots of work happening in the region in tourism development these past 12 months! As a priority industry with significant potential for economic growth, DEAL’s efforts have been targeted in the areas of destination marketing and communications, visitor servicing, product development and advocacy, and guided by the East Arnhem Land Destination Management Plan.
Increasing permit awareness
DEAL has been working to develop targeted marketing and education materials to encourage awareness and compliance in permit requirements and processes. In March 2024, a permit awareness video and accompanying factsheet was developed with input from the Northern Land Council, Dhimurru Aboriginal Corporation and Anindilyakwa Land Council as the relevant permit issuing organisations in East Arnhem. Distributed online via Tourism NT, Tourism Top End and DEAL, and promoted in the Top End’s Visitor Information Centre’s in Darwin and Katherine, this was an important piece of work to support visitors and residents alike in seeking the right access approvals to the East Arnhem region.
Supporting East Arnhem Live Festival growth
Following the success of the inaugural East Arnhem Live 2022 Festival, DEAL has continued to provide support to Festival organisers Aris & Grimes to deliver the 2023 Festival and prepare and submit funding applications for the upcoming 2024 Festival. Our Tourism Development Manager, Jess, has been working with the East Arnhem Live team to develop strategies to increase visitor attendance and, through the development of local tourism packages, encourage visitors to stay in the region and book ‘add on’ tourism experiences. East Arnhem Live tourism packages will be on sale soon! Watch this space.

Destination marketing
DEAL plays a lead role in delivering destination marketing and communications for the East Arnhem region, specifically in the development of engaging and relevant content for the regional tourism website ( and its social media platforms. As a key focus in supporting our local tourism organisation Tourism East Arnhem to grow and support its member base, a main objective has been the development of eDM content for consumers and industry, developing engaging and informative social media content, as well as the creation and distribution of tourism marketing materials, including brochures, guides, flyers and other promotional material to support tourism development in the region.
Supporting tourism operators to succeed and grow
DEAL has played an ongoing role in supporting tourism operators through assistance with product development and promotional material creation. It has been a pleasure working with operators in the region such as Kevin (Buwathay) Munyarryun from Liya Wanhurr Camping and Tours to support the delivery of cultural experiences on country for both FIT travellers and tag-a-long tour groups.
Please contact our Tourism Development Manager, Jess Djerrkura via should you wish to learn more about these projects.

With the transition to a new housing operating model in early 2023, the DEAL Housing team have had a successful year working with our contracting partners to continue to deliver high quality housing to our business tenants in Nhulunbuy. We are pleased to continue to support all businesses that are invested in the region, with a local presence and particularly thank East Arnhem Real Estate and Melville Property Management, as our contract partners, for their ongoing support for our housing portfolio.
The DEAL portfolio continues to be at full capacity with the bulk of properties allocated to businesses associated with Health Care and Social Assistance, Construction, Public Administration and Safety, Accommodation and Food Services, and Aboriginal Corporations.
DEAL housing makes up 17% of all properties in Nhulunbuy. With over 100 applications on the waitlist, there is still significant demand that cannot be met with the DEAL Housing portfolio alone. Over the course of the year, we have undertaken more work in housing utilisation and allocation in an effort to better support all businesses that are seeking housing from DEAL.
Over the course of 2023/2024 financial year, the DEAL Housing team has been steadily working through its capital improvement program across its 250 houses and flats. Key successes include delivery of:
- Internal and external painting
- Electrical upgrades
- Bathroom upgrades
- House and Carport Re-roofs. Including vapour barrier replacements
- Reinstating lighting in the town flats
- Window cleaning and roof hatch replacements across all flat blocks
- Town Flats garden reticulation reinstated
DEAL Housing would like to thank all the local contractors who worked with us to help deliver our maintenance and capital plans, ensuring we continue to provide high quality housing to Nhulunbuy businesses. (Photos – Nhulunbuy township and TAB Roofing finalising another roof replacement for DEAL Housing)

Please contact our housing team via should you wish to learn more about these projects.
The team at DEAL are looking forward to what the 2024/25 financial year has in store! As always, you will hear from us at the end of each quarter with an update on projects and current focuses for the East Arnhem region. We thank you for your support. Should you need to contact our team at any time, please send us an email to