Development of new marine and land infrastructure
The Gunyaŋara (Gove Port) Tourism Precinct project will improve marine tourism infrastructure as a critical enabler for growth in the tourism industry for the East Arnhem region.
This $8 million project, which includes a $2 million investment from DEAL, will be delivered in partnership with Gumatj Corporation, the Northern Territory and Australian Governments, and will see new marine and land infrastructure developed adjacent to the Gove Boat Club to support existing tourism operators, and attract new yacht and cruise tourism operators to the region.
The project is designed to deliver a significant infrastructure uplift to existing facilities to grow existing industry participation, as well as enticing new market enterprises, diversifying the commercial and tourism related offerings in and around East Arnhem.
This represents an excellent opportunity for the diversification and innovation of existing tourism related businesses, as well as new business development in a market that is expected to see demand growth and prosperity for the region.
The Northern Territory Government released a press release about the project on 29 July 2022, you can read it here.
For more information about how you can become involved in the anticipated opportunities from this project, please contact the DEAL Tourism Development Officer at