Tim McColl Jones has had an extensive career in tourism, branding, marketing and communications. This experience includes Group Chief Marketing Officer at Qantas, Board member at the Victorian Tourism Industry Council (VTIC), an architect of Tourism Victoria’s ‘Jigsaw’ strategy for two decades, leading Tourism Australia’s advertising account globally and creating a bespoke team for a whole-of-nation brand strategy for Abu Dhabi, UAE.
Tim has also held senior executive roles with well-known global advertising and communications agencies Clemenger BBDO (Executive Director and Board Member), M&A Saatchi (Regional Director) and Publicis Mojo (Regional & Managing Partner).
Tim has been serving on Boards for more than 15 years – three of these organisations in the government sector – Chair of Crime Stoppers (Victoria), Non-Executive Director of Victorian Tourism Industry Council (VTIC) and the Melbourne International Comedy Festival. In addition, Tim was Non-Executive Director of Jirrawun Arts, a pioneering Indigenous organisation in Kununurra, WA.
The recently completed strategic review of DEAL conducted by Social Ventures Australia highlighted the critical role DEAL has in leading the developing of the East Arnhem tourism industry and promoting and marketing the opportunities of the region.
Tim brings to DEAL a wealth of experience in both these critical areas, and we look forward to seeing him make a meaningful contribution to DEAL’s 2025-2030 Strategic Plan.