Our invitation to you
The East Arnhem region is ripe for investment, with a myriad of untapped resources and opportunities to explore.
With a regional vision for a resilient East Arnhem economy, with Nhulunbuy as a prosperous and sustainable regional centre and Yolŋu, the local Aboriginal people of mainland East Arnhem and Elcho and Crocodile Islands, as partners and leaders in economic life, there has never been a better time to explore East Arnhem as your next investment destination.
Economic development in East Arnhem is driven through collaboration and partnership between regional businesses, traditional owners and their communities, governments and other enabling organisations. These concerted efforts towards an ambitious and optimistic vision for East Arnhem mean there are boundless opportunities to be a partner in this region’s innovative and exciting future. With unrivalled support for investors and dedicated facilitators to assist in making connections in the region, we invite you to be part of our regional development journey.
If you are interested in exploring opportunities for your business or have innovative ideas for development, get in touch with the friendly team at Developing East Arnhem Limited (DEAL). We are ready and willing to assist with any enquiries you have and can facilitate introductions within the region, as well as provide assistance and advice based on our industry expertise and local knowledge.
Future investment opportunities
The Traditional Owners have a vision for a diverse and thriving economy on the Gove Peninsula. For any future investment, the Traditional Owners must be fully informed and leading discussions on economic development opportunities.
Visit the Gove Futures website for more information and to access the Gove Peninsula Investment Gateway Tool.
About Developing East Arnhem Limited
DEAL was established in November 2014 by its Members, the Northern Territory Government and Rio Tinto, in response to Rio Tinto’s decision to curtail production at its Gove alumina refinery.
DEAL is an independent not-for-profit company with a mission to drive economic development in East Arnhem, to promote the resilience of the region and opportunity for its people.
DEAL does this by leading collaboration across the region, as trusted partners to businesses, governments, and traditional owners, by unlocking creative opportunities for development, guided by evidence and acting as the front door for investment in the East Arnhem region.
Since its establishment, DEAL has been instrumental in securing vital industry and infrastructure investment across the region and supporting economic diversification. Looking to the future, DEAL has a strong vision and aspirations for the East Arnhem region and opportunity that awaits.
Building on past success
Since DEAL’s establishment and the curtailment of Gove Peninsula’s alumina refinery, Nhulunbuy has transitioned from a mining town into a vibrant economic hub. This is a result of entrepreneurial businesses, committed residents and investors, the regionalisation of services, innovative partnerships, and the significant backing of both government and private investment.
Over the next ten years, East Arnhem will build on the economic success of the region from the last five years. On the Gove Peninsula, the Rio Tinto bauxite mine is approaching its end of life and will close in approximately 2030. With visionary planning, this presents a significant opportunity for industry and economic diversification to lay the foundation for a long-term, sustainable future for the region.
Beyond Nhulunbuy and the Gove Peninsula, the strength of the broader regional East Arnhem economy is critical. Harnessing the economic aspirations of Yolŋu as part of the mainstream economy will be essential to broader regional growth.
An optimistic vision
We share an optimistic vision for the future of East Arnhem, which builds on the success DEAL and its regional partners have driven over the last five years. In this vision, East Arnhem is a resilient regional economy with profitable businesses across a diverse range of industries with substantial investment and favourable lending environment. As a region, East Arnhem is well connected to various markets with diverse and inspiring employment opportunities.
Yolŋu, who form 80 percent of the population and own 100 percent of the region’s land and intertidal zones, underpin this vision as leaders and partners in economic life. Ensuring Yolŋu are empowered in economic planning and decision-making is a key focus for DEAL. This includes seeing sustainable Yolŋu-run businesses leading development, partnering for success, and providing services across the region.
Learn more about how to be part of this exciting future and the support DEAL can provide here, or at developingeastarnhem.com.au