The coastal harbour at Melville Bay is a natural deep-water port on the northern coast of Australia having a strategical geographical advantage as the next major port between Cairns and Darwin. Boasting significant existing infrastructure, the industrial and bulk goods handling facilities are a unique industrial asset in the heart of remote Northern Australia.
Deep-water port access means that a range of vessel sizes is capable of visiting Gove Port. Currently set up for bulky goods import and export, a RORO wharf is available with planning underway to create a new common user wharf and separate tourism precinct.
Within this precinct and as a response to growing demand, $556,677 was invested by the Northern Territory Government in 2018 towards an improved Community Boat Ramp. This purpose-built wharf facility supports enterprise and fishing enthusiasts, as well as growth sectors such as recreational fishing, charter operations, ranger groups, Border Force and local police.