Developing East Arnhem Limited (DEAL)
DEAL facilitates planning and coordinated action to support emerging industries in the region and acts as a ‘front door’ for businesses and investors from Australia and around the world. This includes the following activities:
- facilitating the East Arnhem Landowner Prospectus to empower traditional owners with an opportunity to develop new industries
- actively promoting the region to facilitate investment and partnership opportunities
- leading pathways to develop industries such as tourism, forestry, fisheries and agriculture
- supporting businesses to navigate development, land tenure processes and test project feasibility
- exploring opportunities in emerging industries – including human services, renewable energy, space, and digital services, as well as leveraging new and improved supply lines arising from improved infrastructure.
DEAL also supports East Arnhem businesses establish themselves or expand by:
- assisting businesses with market intelligence, diversification options and capability development
- providing information and referrals to businesses to access existing support services and business planning, investment and networks
- supporting enterprise development in the region
- investing in businesses through our Economic Development Fund, leveraging the fund to secure additional investment
- managing a portfolio of 250 housing assets, which provides affordable accommodation to staff of local businesses, contributing to the regional economy through property management and maintenance contracts.
To learn more about DEAL, please visit
Landowner Prospectus
The East Arnhem Landowner Prospectus project is being led by DEAL and undertaken in partnership with traditional owners, the Northern Land Council and regional stakeholders. The Prospectus will provide a mechanism for industry, businesses and investors to explore investment and partnership opportunities with Yolŋu traditional owners.
The focus of this significant project is to empower Yolŋu to develop new industries based on evidence and enter new partnerships. Importantly, the project will:
- bring together existing evidence and knowledge about possible economic opportunities in East Arnhem
- provide feasibility information to assist investors and businesses to better understand the opportunities available
- support in connecting investors and businesses with Yolŋu traditional owners and communities who are interested in partnership opportunities on their country.
To find out more visit the project summary at
Business Support Pathway
The East Arnhem Business Support Pathway helps emerging and existing businesses in the region to identify support and funding opportunities to start, establish and grow.
With diverse regional opportunities and a wealth of regional stakeholders dedicated to economic and business development, there are significant opportunities to seek support for mentoring, skills training, guidance, as well as funding to support capital innovation and expansion.
To find out more, please visit
Northern Territory business support
There is a range of services available in the Northern Territory to support businesses in East Arnhem; these services are provided to the region from Darwin.
Business Enterprise Centre NT (BECNT)
BECNT works with individuals to assist them to enhance their business opportunities through adopting sound business strategies to meet their business and personal goals. The practical business advice is provided free of charge and covers business planning, strategic market development, technology adoption and enhancement, financial management practices, human resource man-agement and business health diagnostics.
BECNT offers a range of services including business advice, business assistance, mentoring and coaching, survival, revival and growth, and interactive workshops.
To find out more, please visit
Darwin Innovation Hub (DIH)
DIH is home to the Northern Territory’s leading Incubator and is also home to Darwin’s premier conference and co-working venue.
The Incubator at DIH focuses on the development of mutually beneficial investment between local and inter-national markets. Programs range from supporting early and later stage Northern Territory companies seeking to commercialise their products or services into international markets, as well as programs to attract inbound high growth companies from international markets with technologies, products or services that have an industrial application in the Northern Territory.
To find out more, please visit
Northern Territory Chamber of Commerce
The Northern Territory Chamber of Commerce provides the Northern Territory business community with an effective platform for lobbying on issues that impact businesses. Businesses can also gain access to support across the areas of industrial relations, training, employment, education and networking, as well as attendance at premier business events.
To find out more, please visit
Northern Territory Indigenous Business Network (NTIBN)
NTIBN is an interconnected network of Indigenous businesses and enterprises across the Northern Territory. As the peak body representing Northern Territory Indigenous business, NTIBN exists to create more opportunities and greater potential for Indigenous business in the Northern Territory.
To find out more, please visit
Industry Capability Network Northern Territory (ICNNT)
The Industry Capability Network Northern Territory (ICNNT) maximises procurement and supply opportunities for industry within the Northern Territory making it easier for buyers and suppliers to do business. ICNNT provide support services for buyers and suppliers in the region by identifying, developing, and matching opportunities for businesses to connect. ICNNT source competitive local suppliers for projects, and help local suppliers access national and international opportunities.
To find out more, please visit
Tourism East Arnhem
Tourism East Arnhem is the peak regional tourism body for the East Arnhem region, drawing membership from a diverse range of businesses.
Formed as the East Arnhem Land Tourist Association in 1988, Tourism East Arnhem has a long history of supporting the growth of the tourism industry. It assists businesses in the region through advocacy, regional marketing initiatives and tailored support to help businesses contribute to the prosperity of the region’s future visitor economy.
To find out more, please visit